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Jo Clemente

Time For Me


Coaching - Mediation - Training - Retreats

'Helping you to look after your performance, mental health and wellbeing'

You cannot stop the waves but you can learn to surf - Jon Kabat-Zinn


"I was nervous about going into mediation but it was really helpful.  We are now working together well and found our friendship again.  So happy I went ahead with it."

Teaching Assistant - School - London


About Me

Us working togther is definitely all about you, but here is just a little about me....

Sometimes we need help to make changes in life.  Maybe changes in our behaviour and the way we do things, to be able make some different choices, to manage our emotional responses, to evaluate situations more effectively, or often to just make time for ourselves.   Through dialogue and allowing time to think, different solutions can be reached, different perspectives examined and different outcomes achieved.

   I love the power of coaching and mediation, and get huge satisfaction helping others gain awareness, learning and then making the changes they want.


 It's a privilege to sit with folk and through that dialogue, curiosity and wanting to develop,  I am able to facilitate change.

Qualified as a Cognitive Behavioural Coach, NLP practitioner, Mediator, part qualified Therapist &  Health and Wellness Coach,  I have a strong belief that we all need to look after ourselves, enjoy life and its rich tapestry and be happy.  I will do my very best to help you help yourself, and make the changes you want.


Support That Makes a Difference



Helping you steer the way

"You have brains in your head, feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose". Dr Seuss

I have been working in schools, much of this work being in PRU's for many years. Day to day work in the school environment is fast, changeable, demanding and rewarding.  I have worked  closely with staff at all levels to offer support and development.  Enabling behavior change, leadership & management training, coaching, mediating situations that arise, training teams, and supporting cultural change, to enable the best outcomes for the staff and the children.  


Life Coaching

Rocket Power!

This service is a favourite among many of my clients.  Experiencing fear, low-self confidence, anxiety, doubt, boredom, loss of direction, stress, frustration, or just want to change things up a bit and need some help with direction.  My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, personally and at work. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise.

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Emotional &Wellness Coaching Session

Get the Most out of Life

Want to look after your body then look after your mind. The way we think,  directly affects the way we behave.  These are very popular coaching sessions -  a chance to look at setting and achieving health & wellness goals,   put in place new positive habits and build resilience to ensure you keep them going.

Executive Coaching

Live and Learn

Is your management style working? Could you be more effective? Having coached many Managers in organisations for years it is fair to say that we are all constantly learning.  No matter how long you have been a Manager there are things we continue to learn & develop about ourselves, about our management style and those we manage.

Soccer Team

Training - Team Building -

Busy! No time to physically meet, plan, or get a mental health break?

Its a good idea to enable your teams to meet up and work together.  

We are all spending more and more time working in isolation, working from home and the power of working together is being lost, and more and more time alone is not helping out mental health.

With our team building, Time For Me, and  training offers you can enable the collective to work its magic.


Resolve Conflict

A certain degree of healthy conflict can be a good thing, and can even help to create innovation. But often the tension can lead to discord and start to create negative conflict.  Aside from causing stress and emotional tension, it can be costly, with work, health and performance suffering.  Many individuals and  organisations  benefit from mediation.

Friendship Sisters Painting Art Print Bl
Looking Out to the Lake

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”

Oscar Wilde



Working with nature to achieve greatness

Exciting fun events and retreats, ensuring you make time for a mental health break. Working in and with nature to support performance, well-being and connectivity.  Retreats for the soul.

Thanks - speak soon

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